Une femme fait un programme velo spinning


Spinning bike program: the best workouts by level

Reading time : 12 min

The spinning bike, a practice dynamic And complete which combines pleasure, performance and well-being. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started on the right foot or an experienced cyclist looking to push your limits, discover a complete spinning bike program.


Introduction to the spinning bike

Find out how to choose the right spinning program, equipment, adjust your bike for perfect ergonomics, and select a training program suited to your level. Also learn the importance of monitoring your progress for constant evolution and benefit from valuable advice for safe and effective practice.

Definition and origins of the spinning bike

The spinning bike is this indoor bike or cycling bike that transforms your living room, garage or gym into an intense cycling circuit, without even having to leave your home. But where exactly does this revolutionary concept come from? cardio workout And muscular home ?

Invented in the 1980s by Johnny Goldberg, a passionate South African cyclist, the spinning bike was initially a solution for training at night without the risks associated with traffic or the weather. Quickly, this idea transformed into a global movement, giving birth to spinning classes that combine music motivating, atmosphere electric and, of course, sessions exercises trying.

But then, what's the difference with the good old exercise bike? Mainly, the spinning bike offers a more intense And dynamic which allows workouts for weight loss. It is designed to mimic the feel of a road bike, with options to adjust the resistance to simulate climbs, of the descents, and allow training as a dancer. Unlike the classic exercise bike, which invites more leisurely sessions, spinning is there to make you sweat, increase your cardiac frequency And burn a maximum of calories in one minimum of time. It is an invitation to beyond its limits, has explore your endurance capabilities and power, all in the privacy of your home or the excitement of a dedicated room. 

Preparing for Spinning Workout

Before you start your journey to the top of the imaginary pass or embark on a wild race on your spinning bike, good preparation is essential. It starts with the equipment and goes through meticulous adjustment of your mount.

Necessary equipment

To get the most out of your sessions, equipment is essential. No need to have a high-end bike. Imagine yourself in full effort, where every detail counts. Start by choosing a suitable clothing : A breathable jersey and padded cycling shorts can make all the difference, turning an intense session into a comfortable experience. And let's not forget the shoes! Opt for spinning shoes specific or, failing that, firm sneakers. They will allow you to pedal with more force and precision, without the risk of slipping.

Also think about accessories: a water bottle close at hand to stay hydrated and a towel on the handlebars to mop up the sweat that will inevitably form on your forehead. These are small details, sure, but they go a long way toward making your workout more enjoyable and effective.

Bike settings

Adjusting your spinning bike is a step that should not be neglected. An ill-fitting bike can not only make exercise uncomfortable but also increase the risk of injury. Here's a quick guide to making sure your bike fits your body perfectly:

Saddle adjustment: The height of the saddle should be such that your leg is slightly bent when the pedal is at the lowest point. You should be able to pedal without your hips swinging from side to side.

Handlebar position: Adjust the handlebars to a height that allows you to lean forward slightly, without hunching your back. This should allow you to grip the handlebars comfortably, without strain on your neck or shoulders.

Saddle-handlebar distance: You should be able to straighten your arms without having to lie down or compress your chest. Adjust the saddle forward or backward until you find the ideal position.

The importance of posture cannot be underestimated. Good posture ensures optimal breathing and balanced distribution of effort, allowing you to pedal more efficiently and reducing the risk of premature fatigue or pain.

By following these tips and taking the time to properly prepare your equipment and settings, you put all the chances on your side for a spinning workout that is not only effective but also safe and enjoyable. Ready to pedal towards your goals?

Programme velo spinning : un homme fait une séance de vélo spinning

Spinning Workout Programs

Diving into the world of spinning means embracing a multitude of courses, each designed to test your endurance, your power and your will. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started, an intermediate cyclist ready to increase the pace, or a pedaling pro looking for peaks to conquer, there is a training program tailor-made for your ambitions.

Beginner Programs

If you're just starting out, these programs are designed to help you find your feet, build your endurance, and get familiar with your spinning bike. Here are three varied programs to start your adventure:

1. Discovery program

Warming up : 7 minutes of light pedaling to wake up the body.

Familiarization intervals: 5 rounds of 2 minutes at moderate intensity, interspersed with 2 minutes of active recovery at low intensity.

Smooth pedaling: 10 minutes of constant pedaling at low resistance to learn how to maintain a steady pace.

Cooldown: 5 minutes of return to calm with very light pedaling.

2. Basic endurance program

Warming up : 10 minutes with a gradual increase in resistance every 2 minutes.

Endurance block: 15 minutes of constant pedaling at a resistance that challenges without exhausting, aiming to build your endurance.

Speed game: 5 sprints of 30 seconds at a high speed, separated by 1 minute of recovery.

Return to calm : 5 minutes of leisurely pedaling to let your heart rate drop.

3. Rhythm and resistance program

Warming up : 8 minutes, gradually increasing speed and resistance.

Rhythm/resistance alternation: 3 minute sets divided into 1 minute at a comfortable speed at medium resistance, followed by 2 minutes at lower resistance but faster speed.

Climb challenge: 2 climbs of 4 minutes each at a resistance that simulates a gentle slope, interspersed with 2 minutes of recovery.

Cooldown: 6 minute relaxation with gradual reduction in speed and resistance.

Each program is a foundation on which you can build strength, endurance and confidence. Don't hesitate to listen to your body, adjust the resistance according to your sensations and, above all, have fun. Spinning is a personal journey towards better physical and mental fitness. So put on your favorite music, take a deep breath, and get started!

Intermediate programs

Congratulations on taking the first step! At this level, you're ready to step up your spinning workout with sessions that will push you a little further, both in terms of intensity and technique. Here are three programs designed to stimulate your progress and elevate your practice.

1. Strengthening and endurance program

Warming up : 10 minutes of gradual increase in resistance and speed.

Endurance block: 20 minutes of cycling at medium resistance, focusing on maintaining a target heart rate.

Strength Intervals: 4 sets of 3 minutes at high resistance, simulating a difficult climb, followed by 2 minutes of active recovery.

Cooldown: 5 minutes of light pedaling to recover.

2. Speed and agility program

Warming up : 8 minutes with gradual increases in speed and resistance.

Sprints: 6 x 1 minute sprint at full speed, with 1 minute recovery between each sprint.

Pedaling technique: 10 minutes of working on technique at a constant speed, focusing on fluidity and efficiency of movement.

Cooldown: 7 minutes of leisurely pedaling, gradually decreasing the resistance.

3. Mixed interval program

Warming up : 10 minutes, alternating between moderate speed and low resistance.

Power Intervals: 5 sets of 4 minutes, alternating between 2 minutes of intense pedaling at high resistance and 2 minutes of fast pedaling at medium resistance.

Active recovery: 10 minutes of low intensity cycling, focusing on recovery and breathing.

Cooldown: 5 minute stretch and relaxation with very light pedaling.

These programs are designed to sharpen your skills, improve your endurance and power, and prepare you for advanced challenges. The goal is to feel stronger, faster, and more confident with each session. Remember to listen to your body, stay hydrated, and above all, enjoy every pedal stroke. The road to the top is both demanding and rewarding. So, are you ready to take on the challenge?

Advanced programs

Congratulations for achieving this level of excellence in spinning! At this advanced stage, your workouts should not only challenge your endurance and strength but also refine your technique and maximize your performance. Here are three programs designed to push your limits and enrich your spinning experience.

1. Extreme endurance program

Warming up : 15 minutes, starting with low resistance and gradually increasing, to prepare the muscles for sustained effort.

Long distance : 40 minutes of continuous pedaling at medium to high resistance, simulating long-distance running. The goal is to maintain a constant cadence and optimal posture.

Active Recovery Intervals: 5 sets of 2 minutes of light pedaling, immediately followed by 3 minutes of high intensity to improve muscle recovery and endurance.

Cooldown: 10 minutes of leisurely pedaling, gradually decreasing resistance, followed by targeted stretching.

2. HIIT spinning program

Warming up : 12 minutes of gradual increase in speed and resistance to properly prepare the body for the intensity to come.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Alternation of 8 series of 30 seconds of sprinting at full power and 30 seconds of complete rest. This exercise aims to maximize oxygen consumption and increase anaerobic capacity.

Power block: 15 minutes of severe high-resistance climbs, to build muscle strength and endurance.

Cooldown: 10 minutes to cool down, gradually reducing the intensity for optimal recovery.

3. Technical program and power

Warming up : 10 minutes, with a focus on pedaling fluidity and body balance.

Pedaling technique: 20 minutes of work focused on pedaling efficiency. Alternate between pedaling and seated, focusing on technique and optimal use of muscle groups.

Strength Intervals: 4 sets of 5 minutes of intense pedaling with maximum resistance, separated by 2 minutes of active recovery. The emphasis is on developing power and the ability to maintain sustained effort.

Cooldown: 10 minutes of light pedaling, focusing on muscle relaxation and recovery, followed by stretching.

These programs are meant to challenge and push you to new heights of performance and resilience. They require determination, concentration, and the desire to surpass oneself. Your journey into advanced spinning is a testament to your commitment to your health and wellness. Continue to surpass yourself, explore your limits and enjoy every moment of your journey.

Specific exercises on a spinning bike

The spinning bike is not only a great tool for burning calories and improving your cardiovascular endurance; it is also extremely versatile, allowing a variety of targeted exercises to strengthen the body as a whole. Here is a selection of specific exercises that will complement your training programs and enrich your sessions.

Muscle strengthening

Dancer sprints: Rising from the saddle and slightly increasing the resistance, perform sprints of 30 seconds to 1 minute. This targets the quads, calves and glutes, strengthening the entire lower body.

Heavy climbs: Increase the resistance to as much as you can manage while still seated. Pedal slowly but firmly for 2 to 3 minutes to simulate a steep climb. This exercise emphasizes the hamstrings and glutes.

Upper body and abdominal exercises

Pedaling with dumbbells: Equipped with light dumbbells (1 to 2 kg), perform sets of biceps curls, triceps extensions or lateral raises while pedaling at a moderate pace. This allows you to work your arms, shoulders and upper back.

Oblique crunches while pedaling: While remaining seated on the bike, tilt your torso slightly backwards and rotate your torso from left to right, targeting the obliques. Perform this exercise for 1 to 2 minutes to strengthen the core and improve stability.

Improved cardiovascular endurance

HIIT on a spinning bike: Alternate between 30 seconds of full-power sprinting and 1 minute of low-intensity active recovery. Repeat this cycle 8 to 10 times. High-intensity intervals improve your VO2 max and increase your body's ability to recover quickly.

Endurance training

Long distance at constant pace: Select a moderate resistance that allows you to maintain a brisk pace for 20 to 30 minutes. This exercise increases your cardiovascular and muscular endurance, allowing you to cycle longer and more efficiently.

By incorporating these specific exercises into your routine, you can create a balanced workout that not only boosts your cardiovascular endurance but strengthens as effectively your body. Vary the exercises each session to keep your workout challenging and to ensure all muscle groups are worked equally. The spinning bike is an extremely versatile tool; make the most of it to achieve your fitness goals.

Training monitoring and progress

Engaging in a spinning program is a journey towards better fitness, weight loss and increased well-being. To maximize the benefits of this journey, it is crucial to monitor your progress and adjust your training as you change. Here's how you can measure your progress and adapt your program to continue making progress.

Measure your progress

A heart rate monitor is an essential tool for measuring the intensity of your workouts and tracking your cardiovascular progress. By monitoring your heart rate during sessions, you can:

Evaluate your endurance: By noting a decrease in your heart rate with equal effort over time, which indicates an improvement in your physical condition.

Adjust the intensity: To ensure you're working in the right intensity zone, whether burning fat or improving your aerobic capacity.

You can also document each session in a training log helps you visualize your progress, identify patterns, and adjust your goals. Include:

Session details: Duration, distance, average/maximum heart rate, and calories burned.

Feelings: Write down how you felt during and after training, the difficulties encountered and personal victories.

Adapt your program

Your body sends you signals when you're ready to take it to the next level. Be careful :

Faster recovery: If your heart rate returns to normal more quickly after exercise, it may be time to increase the intensity.

A feeling of ease: When current sessions seem less demanding, introduce more difficult exercises or extend the duration of your workouts.

To avoid routine and continue to progress, vary your spinning sessions:

Introduce new challenges: Alternate between HIIT, endurance and strength sessions to challenge your body differently.

Play with resistance and speed: Changing these settings can completely transform a session and target new muscle groups.

Plan thematic sessions: For example, a “mountain run” with a lot of resistance work, or a “speed session” focused on sprints.

Monitoring and adapting your spinning workout is essential to continue progressing, staying motivated and achieving your fitness goals. By listening to your body, measuring your performance and regularly adjusting your program, you will maximize the benefits of each pedal stroke. Keep in mind that evolution is an ongoing process; each session is an opportunity to surpass yourself.

Tips for safe and effective practice

Adopting a spinning routine is a great way to improve your overall fitness, but like any physical activity, it must be done with care to avoid injury and maximize the benefits. Here are essential tips for a practice that is both safe and effective.


Hydration is crucial, especially during intense spinning sessions which can make you sweat profusely. Here's how to stay well hydrated:

Before the session : Drink at least 500 ml of water an hour before starting to prepare your body for the exercise.

During training: Always have a bottle of water on hand and drink regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty immediately.

After the session: Rehydrate yourself to compensate for fluid loss. Water is great, but sports drinks can be helpful in replenishing electrolytes if the workout has been particularly long or intense.


A balanced diet is just as important to support your spinning sessions and recovery. Consider these tips:

Before training: Opt for a meal or light snack rich in complex carbohydrates and protein 1 to 2 hours before.

Post workout : Consume protein and carbohydrates within an hour to help with muscle repair and replenish energy stores.

Warm-up and cool-down

Starting each session with a proper warm-up prepares your body for exercise and reduces the risk of injury. Spend 5 to 10 minutes pedaling at low resistance to gradually increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.

Recovery is a key phase to progress and avoid overload. Always include 5-10 minutes of cool down at the end of your workout to allow your heart rate to return to normal. Post-session stretching is also important to relax stressed muscles and improve flexibility.

By following these basic tips for proper hydration and nutrition, in addition to practicing an effective warm-up and cool-down, you will optimize your spinning sessions. These practices contribute to a rewarding training experience, allowing you to get the most out of each session while minimizing the risk of injury. Remember, the key to a successful exercise routine is the balance between challenge and self-care.

Programme velo spinning : un homme pédale sur un vélo


Getting started in the world of spinning bikes opens the door to a complete workout, suitable for all levels. From initial preparation with the right equipment and personalized bike settings, to selecting a targeted training program, each step is crucial for effective and safe riding. The importance of tracking and adapting your progress ensures continuous improvement and the satisfaction of your personal goals.

Beyond the physical aspect, careful attention to hydration, nutrition, and adequate warm-up and cool-down supports your overall health and optimizes your performance. This enriches your spinning experience, making it more than just a workout: a true commitment to your well-being.

Test the spinning bike at SPACE

It's time to saddle up at SPACE! Enjoy 45 minutes of intensive workout plunged into darkness, illuminated by unpublished light shows. Pedal to the rhythm of dynamic playlists with choreographies stimulating. 

Surpass yourself by having the choice between 3 programs: basic ride, rhythm ride or power ride. So you work on your cardio, THE arm, THE legs, THE abs and the muscle strengthening. 

Choose your side: 

Rhythm ride: 80% cardio, 20% muscle strengthening

Power ride: 50% cardio rhythm, 50% strength, 100% dedication 

Basic ride: discovery of equipment, rhythm and movements for 30 minutes.