Fractionné vélo salle : Un groupe de personnes fait du vélo d'appartement en salle


Indoor bike interval training: the key to fast results

Reading time : 7 min

Looking to boost your performance while burning maximum calories? Indoor cycling interval training is the workout for you. This type of exercise, combining intensity and recovery, helps you reach your goals quickly, whether it's to improve your endurance or lose weight.



In this article, discover how to structure your interval training sessions, optimize your time and maximize your results. You have little time, but big ambitions? This article is for you.

Does indoor cycling interval training ring a bell? If you haven't yet, get ready to discover a workout that could revolutionize your sports routine. The principle is simple: alternate between periods of intense effort and recovery phases on an exercise bike. But don't let its apparent simplicity fool you! This type of training is incredibly effective.

Why is indoor cycling interval training so popular? Because it not only allows you to quickly improve your fitness, but also burns calories optimally. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, this workout is suitable for all levels, offering visible results in no time. You will not only feel stronger, but also lighter!

Looking to maximize your gym workouts while saving time? Interval training may be the answer to your needs. Fasten your seatbelts, or rather adjust your saddle, and dive into a world where every drop of sweat counts.

What is Indoor Cycling Interval Training?

Indoor cycling interval training is a bit like the secret recipe for athletes to boost their performance in a minimum of time. But what exactly is it? The concept is based on alternating between phases of intense effort and periods of active recovery. In short, you go from a sprint to a more relaxed pace, and so on. It is this sequence that makes the training so effective.

Definition and basic principles

Interval training, also called “interval training,” consists of dividing your session into several segments. Each segment combines a period of maximum effort, where you give it your all, followed by a recovery phase, generally active, where you slow down the pace without stopping completely. This alternation between high intensity and relative rest allows you to work on your endurance, increase your cardiovascular capacity, and burn more calories than continuous training at moderate intensity.

Advantages over continuous training

So why choose indoor cycling interval training over a traditional constant-intensity session? First of all, it has been proven that this type of training allows you to progress more quickly. By intensely challenging your muscles and heart for short periods of time, you force them to adapt, which improves your overall fitness. In addition, the post-combustion effect, or “afterburn”, means that your body continues to burn calories even after training. The result: you maximize your efforts in a minimum of time.

By choosing indoor cycling interval training, you are also opting for total control. Indoor bikes allow you to precisely adjust the intensity and duration of each interval, making this workout accessible to everyone, regardless of your level and goals. It is the ideal solution for those looking to optimize every minute spent in the gym.

Fractionné vélo salle : une femme fait du vélo d'appartement

The Benefits of Indoor Cycling Interval Training

Wondering why so many athletes are adopting indoor cycling interval training? The answer is simple: this workout is packed with benefits for your body and mind. Whether you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular fitness, lose weight, or simply optimize your schedule, interval training meets all of these expectations. Let’s explore the main benefits in detail.

Improved cardiovascular fitness

The first advantage of interval training is the direct impact on your heart. By alternating between high-intensity and recovery phases, you stimulate your cardiovascular system like never before. In concrete terms, your VO2 max – that is, your body's capacity to consume oxygen – increases, which translates into better endurance. In other words, you can pedal longer and harder without being out of breath. For those looking to surpass themselves, this is a must!

Weight loss and muscle toning

Interval cycling indoors is also your slimming ally. This type of training is extremely effective for burning calories, not only during exercise, but also afterwards. The afterburn effect, which makes your body continue to burn fat once the training is over, is particularly marked with interval training. In addition, intense efforts use your muscles in a varied way, promoting their toning. Result: a refined and sculpted silhouette, while gaining strength.

Save time

Who says you have to spend hours in the gym to see results? Indoor cycling interval training proves otherwise. In just 20 to 30 minutes, you can achieve a session that is as effective as a longer continuous workout. It’s a perfect solution for those who juggle a busy schedule. You no longer have to choose between efficiency and speed: with interval training, you have both!

Indoor Cycling Interval Exercises

Now that you understand the benefits of indoor cycling interval training, it's time to take action. Here are three interval training exercises, each designed to target different areas of your fitness. Whether you're looking to improve your endurance, burn fat, or simply mix up your routine, these exercises will meet your needs.

Exercise 1: Short, intense intervals

This exercise is ideal for those who want to burn a maximum of calories in a short time. After a 10-minute warm-up at low intensity to prepare your muscles, you will move on to 20 sets of 30 seconds of intense effort, followed by 30 seconds of active recovery. During the intervals, push yourself to the maximum: imagine that you are sprinting towards the finish line. The cool-down is done with 5 minutes of light pedaling, allowing your body to recover gently.

Key benefit: This type of training stimulates the metabolism, increasing caloric expenditure even after exercise. Perfect for those who want to optimize their weight loss.

Exercise 2: Long Intervals for Endurance

If your goal is to improve your endurance, this exercise is for you. After a 15-minute warm-up at moderate intensity, perform 4 sets of 5 minutes at 80-85% of your maximum heart rate (HRmax), followed by 5 minutes of active recovery between each set. This exercise requires you to maintain a sustained effort over a longer period of time, which results in a significant increase in your cardiovascular capacity.

Key benefit: Ideal for those preparing for a race or looking to improve their ability to maintain an intense effort over time.

Exercise 3: Pyramidal fraction

For those who like a varied challenge, the pyramid interval is a great choice. After a 10-minute warm-up, you'll start with 1 minute of intense effort followed by 1 minute of recovery. Then, you'll gradually increase the effort and recovery time (2 minutes, 3 minutes, etc.) until you reach 5 minutes, then you'll go back down the pyramid by decreasing the effort time. Finish with 5 minutes of easy pedaling to cool down.

Key benefit: This training format is perfect for testing and improving your endurance and mental strength, while varying the intensities to avoid monotony.

Tips to Optimize Your Training

To get the most out of your indoor cycling interval training sessions, it is essential to follow a few key tips. These tips will help you maximize your results while minimizing the risk of injury. Follow the guide to optimize your training!

Using a Heart Rate Monitor

A heart rate monitor is your best friend for an effective workout. This tool allows you to accurately track your maximum heart rate (HRmax) during exercise. Why is it so important? Because the key to good interval training is intensity: you need to push your heart to work hard, but without exceeding your limits. By monitoring your HRmax, you can adjust the intensity of your intervals in real time, ensuring that you are working at the right intensity during each session.

Practical tip: Start by calculating your HRmax using the simple formula: 220 minus your age. For example, for a 30-year-old, the estimated HRmax would be 190 beats per minute.

Progression and adaptation

As with any training program, it’s crucial to progress gradually. If you’re new to interval training, start slowly with shorter, less intense intervals. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your intervals as your fitness level improves. This gradual approach allows your body to adapt without overexerting itself, reducing the risk of injury and burnout.

Essential reminder: Listen to your body. If you feel unusual pain or excessive fatigue, it's time to slow down or take a day off.

Hydration and nutrition

Peak performance starts long before you get on the bike. Make sure you’re well hydrated before, during, and after your workout. Hydration is essential to maintaining your energy levels and avoiding muscle cramps. When it comes to nutrition, focus on complex carbohydrates before your workout for sustained energy, and consume protein after your workout to support muscle recovery.

Nutritional advice: A banana or energy bar before your workout can provide the energy you need for your intense efforts, while a protein smoothie after your session will help repair and strengthen your muscles.

Fractionné vélo salle : un homme fait du vélo d'appartement en salle


Indoor cycling interval training is an effective way to quickly improve your fitness. By alternating between intense efforts and recovery periods, you optimize your endurance and burn more calories. This training fits into your schedule and offers visible results in a short time.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you'll have better control over your progress. Consider using a heart rate monitor and adapting your sessions to your abilities to maximize results.

Do interval cycling with Space Cycle

Want to combine cycling and strength training? At SPACE CYCLE, our POWER RIDE session combines cardio and muscle strengthening for a complete workout, targeting the “core”.

Live an immersive experience at SPACE CYCLE, where lighting effects and a dynamic atmosphere, guided by our coaches and their exclusive playlists, await you.

Join us in our Bonne Nouvelle or Bastille studios for unique indoor cycling classes!