Une femme fait du cyclisme en salle


Indoor cycling: programs to get started in cycling

Reading time : 9 min

Getting started with indoor cycling can seem complex. However, it is an accessible activity, promising many benefits. Discover the first steps to get an overview of beginner programs and essential advice. Equipment, preparation, And sessions Structured training sessions are described to make getting started easier.



Curious about how to turn intention into action, and start your indoor cycling journey with confidence? You are in the right place. This guide is designed specifically for you, answering all your initial questions and putting you on the path to success.

Welcome to the vibrant world of indoor cycling! You are about to discover a universe where sweat and challenges turn into pleasure and tangible results. For beginners, the adventure begins here, with an accessible activity, but above all, incredibly effective. Indoor cycling is much more than pedaling without moving; it’s a journey towards a better version of yourself.

Choosing suitable programs is crucial. Imagine entering a room, feeling the energy, the music beating to the rhythm of each pedal stroke. This is where your story with indoor cycling begins. Choosing the right program is like finding the right guide for this journey: he or she will help you move at the right pace, overcome challenges and savor every victory. For a positive and enriching experience, it is essential to start with sessions that correspond to your level and your objectives. This is where the magic happens, transforming every drop of sweat into a smile of satisfaction.

So, are you ready to get on your bike and embark on the adventure of indoor cycling? Follow us, your transformation starts now.

Benefits of Indoor Cycling for Beginners

Cardio and muscle strengthening

Indoor cycling is not just an activity; it's a revolution in the world of fitness, especially for you beginners. So why bother? The reasons are many, and each of them is a promise of well-being and D'efficiency.

Let's discover together a well-kept secret: indoor cycling is a bit like the Swiss army knife of fitness for beginners. For what ? Because each pedal stroke is one step closer to a healthy heart and harmoniously toned muscles. Come on, let’s dive into the details!

THE cardio. By pedaling, you're not just moving your legs, you're giving your heart a workout. Think of your heart as a muscle that strengthens with each session, becoming more efficient at pumping blood and oxygenating your body. This results in a endurance foolproof.

Let's move on to muscle strengthening. Indoor cycling uses a wide range of muscles: calves to thighs, passing through the glutes and even the back and the abs. The result ? Toned muscles, but not oversized. You will sculpt your body in a balanced way, strengthening each muscle chain for an athletic silhouette and more fluid movements on a daily basis.

But the real stroke of genius of indoor cycling for the muscles and the heart is its ability to adapt to everyone. Whether you decide to pedal smoothly or engage in frenetic sprints, you control the intensity. This means that each session can be adjusted to challenge your body just enough, without ever pushing it to the limit.

Security and control

First, let's talk security. Indoors, the risks linked to traffic or road accidents are eliminated. You don't have to worry about cars, pedestrians or other cyclists. It is a space where your well-being is a priority, where each pedaling session takes place in a secure environment, designed to allow you to surpass yourself without fear.

Then, the control. This is the key word of indoor cycling. You decide everything: intensity, there duration, there resistance. Want to simulate a climb? Increase the resistance. Need a quieter day? Reduce it. It's this ability to personalize each session that makes indoor cycling so appealing. You're in control, which means each workout can be perfectly tailored to your needs, your mood, your current fitness level.

But that's not all. This absolute control has another consequence: it allows measurable progress. You can accurately track how long you've cycled, at what resistance, and even compare your performance from session to session. It's a powerful tool for seeing your progress, motivating yourself, and adjusting your training to achieve your goals more effectively.

Indoor cycling is therefore an environment where you can throw yourself headlong into your training, knowing that you are protected from unforeseen events and in control of your progress. It's a rare and precious freedom in the world of sport, an invitation to focus on yourself, on your form, and on the road ahead. So, are you ready to take control?

In short, indoor cycling is the assurance of a gradual improvement in your physical condition, with joy and good humor. You'll gain endurance, power, and all this while protecting your heart and building a stronger, more resilient body. So, ready to get that heart pumping and tone those muscles?


Indoor cycling is the perfect activity for everyone, no matter your fitness level or prior experience. You don't need a specific bike; the rooms are equipped for you. You start where you are, with what you have, and progress at your own pace. Whether you are an experienced athlete looking to diversify your training, or someone who has not done sport since school, indoor cycling opens its doors to you.

Une femme fait une séance de cyclisme en salle

Cycling programs for beginners

Getting started with indoor cycling can seem intimidating at first, but with the right programs, it's an exhilarating adventure that awaits you. Each program is a gateway to better fitness, increased confidence, and yes, lots of fun. Let's take a look at how these programs are structured to support you on your beginner's journey.

Structured workouts

For beginners, the key word is structure. These sessions are designed to slowly but surely introduce you to the world of indoor cycling. We start with sessions of 20 to 30 minutes, focused on learning good postures, adjusting the resistance, and getting used to the rhythm of pedaling. Little by little, the intensity increases, the duration lengthens, but always respecting your pace. It's like building a house: you first lay a solid foundation before raising the walls and putting on the roof. Each session is a step forward, making you stronger, more endurance, and more in tune with your bike.

1. Discovery session with balance exercises:

Balance exercise in the saddle: After warming up, alternate between pedaling seated and slightly lifted from the saddle for 1 minute, keeping the resistance low. This helps improve balance and weight distribution, essential for efficient pedaling.

2. Basic endurance session with rhythm exercises:

Rhythm exercise: Integrate sequences where you change the pedaling rhythm. After the warm-up, during the endurance phase, increase your cadence (i.e. the number of pedal strokes per minute) for 1 minute every 5 minutes, then return to your endurance pace. This improves cardiovascular capacity and gets the legs used to different pedaling rhythms.

3. Beginner interval session with short sprints:

Short sprints: Incorporate high-intensity 30-second sprints into your intervals. After each 2-minute high-intensity period, do a 30-second sprint, followed by 1.5 minutes of active recovery. This increases training intensity and boosts metabolism.

4. Light climb session with posture variation:

Posture variation uphill: During the uphill phase, alternate between pedaling in a seated position and in a standing position every 2 minutes. This not only better simulates a real climb but also strengthens various muscle groups in the legs and core.

These exercises add an extra dimension to your workouts, making them more varied and challenging the body more comprehensively. They are designed to progress gradually, allowing you to develop your endurance, strength, and pedaling technique.

Remember, the key to success in indoor cycling is consistency and listening to your body. Do not hesitate to adjust the intensity of the exercises according to your current feelings. With patience and perseverance, you will see your physical condition improve session after session.

Variety of workouts

One of the great things about indoor cycling is variety. No more monotony of repetitive training! Here, each session is a new adventure. Intervals, endurance, climbs, sprints... You'll try it all. This diversity is not only stimulating for the mind; it is also extremely beneficial for the body. By varying the types of training, you use different muscle groups, improve your endurance and burn calories efficiently. And the best part? You can tailor each session to your personal goals. That you wish lose weight with indoor cycling, improve your endurance, or simply blow off steam after a busy day, there is a workout for you.

Tracking progress

Last but not least, progress tracking. This is a crucial part of beginner programs. Using simple tools, like a training log or a fitness app, you can keep track of each session: duration, intensity, calories burned, etc. This approach, far from being a constraint, is a real source of motivation. Seeing in black and white that you're cycling longer, resisting higher intensities, or your heart rate is stabilizing is incredibly rewarding. This allows you to concretely measure your progress, set new goals, and stay motivated in the long term.

Indoor cycling programs for beginners aren't just workouts. It is a well-thought-out course, suitable for those who are taking their first steps in this universe. Structure, variety, follow-up: each aspect is designed to help you grow, progress, and have fun. So, are you ready to pedal towards your goals?

Equipment and preparation for indoor cycling

Equipment and preparation are the cornerstones of a successful indoor cycling experience, especially for beginners. Before you saddle up and start pedaling, let's take a moment to explore the key elements that will make your entry into the world of indoor cycling a smooth and enjoyable transition.

Choice of indoor cycling

The heart of your indoor cycling gear is, unsurprisingly, the bike itself. You mainly have two options:

Turbo trainers: Perfect for those who already have a road bike. Simply attach your bike to the turbo trainer to turn any space into your own cycling studio. It's a cheap and convenient option, but may be limited in terms of interactive features.

Spinning bikes or smart trainers: These bikes are specially designed for indoor cycling. Smart trainers offer advanced features, such as connection to virtual cycling applications, to simulate real-world courses and road conditions. For beginners, these bikes can greatly enrich the training experience with their real-time feedback on your performance.

Essential accessories

Once you have chosen the bike, a few essential accessories can considerably improve your comfort and efficiency:

Training mat: Place it under your bike to absorb noise, protect your floor, and stabilize your equipment.

Towel : Have one handy to mop up sweat. Indoor cycling is intense, and you will sweat!

Bottle of water : Stay hydrated. Keep a water bottle in or near your bike's bottle cage.

Suitable clothing: Choose lightweight, breathable sportswear. Cycling shorts with good padding can also significantly increase your comfort.

Cycling shoes: If your budget allows, invest in compatible cycling shoes and pedals. They improve your pedaling efficiency and reduce the risk of injury.

Heart rate monitor: For those who want to track their performance closely, a heart rate monitor can be a great tool to ensure you're working in the right intensity zone.

Preparation before the session

Before starting your session, take a few minutes to prepare:

Adjust your bike correctly: Adjust the height of the saddle and handlebars to match your height. Good posture is crucial to avoiding injury and ensuring you are comfortable throughout the workout.

Warming up : Always start with a 5 to 10 minute warm-up at low intensity to prepare your body for exercise.

Plan your session: Have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish during your workout. This could be a structured session that you have prepared or a virtual course that you want to participate in.

With the right equipment and proper preparation, you are ready to get the most out of your indoor cycling sessions. These items aren't just supplements to your workout; they are essential to ensure an experience that is safe, comfortable and extremely rewarding.

Un vélo de spinning pour du cyclisme en salle


Indoor cycling offers an accessible and safe entry into the world of fitness, perfect for those just starting out. With structured and varied programs, it promises measurable progress in terms of cardio, muscle strengthening, and general well-being. The necessary equipment and preparation before each session ensures an experience that is both comfortable and optimized.

Selecting the right bike and essential accessories, like cycling shoes and heart rate monitor, amplifies the benefits of every workout. These elements, combined with adequate preparation, lay the foundations for a regular and evolving practice.

Discover indoor cycling at Space

It's time to join SPACE for an intense session of 45 minutes in a dark setting, lit only by unique lighting effects. Let yourself be carried away by energetic playlists and choreographies that boost your motivation.

Three options are available to you to challenge your limits: basic ride, rhythm ride, or power ride, allowing you to target cardio, THE arm, THE legs, THE abs, and strengthen your muscles.

Make your choice :

Rhythm ride : a session with 80% for cardio work and 20% for muscle strengthening.

Power ride : a perfect balance between 50% of cardio and 50% of strength, demanding 100% of your commitment.

Basic ride : a 30-minute introduction to equipment, rhythms, and essential movements.